Relate Trained Counsellorsfor Relationship Counselling and Marriage Guidance
in Leeds and Wakefield, West Yorkshire

Why choose Counselling as your therapy?

Most people, at some time in their lives, feel that their life isn't working and they need to make changes. Some people can get over these problems of change themselves; for others though, these are not easy things to come to terms with, and this is where a Counsellor can help them to resolve their issues. The Counsellor can be objective in your life issues and help you to see things from a different perspective. The Counselling appointment, which is in our practice near Leeds and Wakefield centres, are at times which are agreeable to all parties, they will give you space and time to explore these experiences together so that you may understand them and change the way you feel, think and act, to help you move forward.

The Counselling can help with Anxiety, Relationships, Family conflict, Depression, Panic Attacks, Obsessions, Self-Harm, Mood Swings, Addictions, Aches and Pains for which there seems no Physical reason and Irrational Fears.

Why choose a Relate trained Counsellor as your therapist?

The training our Counsellors have received has been long recognised as the foremost Couple counselling training in the country, that had been delivered in the uk for over 50 years. They all are trained to University Diploma level or above and have a long history of helping people to engage with and change their worlds. They are fully experienced in helping people with all of life's problems helping them to successfully change the things they are looking to change in their relationships and the life's they lead.

Our Counsellors are non-judgmental and open to diversity in all people be it cultural, sexual or behavioural, except anything which would be classed as illegal or abusive. In those situations we have a duty of care to all, including persons who are not in the counselling room.


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