Relate Trained Counsellorsfor Relationship Counselling and Marriage Guidance
in Leeds and Wakefield, West Yorkshire

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Counselling is a talking therapy. By being there for you, valuing you and letting you explore the issues with us and then feeding back what we are hearing, it gives you a possible insight into how your actions and words are perceived by others so that you can alter or manage you life in another way with the new insight you have gained. The Counsellor, who is not directly involved with the issues, acts as a non-judgemental sounding-post so you can understand yourself. This is a liberating experience in itself.

What do I have to do?

Be open to the experience of Counselling and honest with yourself, this will build the trust between us and help you unfold in a safe and secure environment.

Is it Confidential?

Yes. Our sessions will only be for us, unless we feel you may be a harm to yourself, others, if there are domestic violence issues or if there is a possibility of children at risk. If any of these situations or ethical boundaries arises then we would initially talk to a Supervisor (the counsellor's counsellor) and then come back to yourself to discuss the situation with you before any action is taken. We may make notes about the direction of the counselling these will be stored securely and then shredded after a suitable time period, usually dictated by our insurers, when we have finished the counselling contract.

All our Counselling is totally confidential and will not be disclosed to others (unless there is a possibility the client would be a danger to themselves, others, domestic violence issues or that Children may be at risk. In this event then disclosure would be limited in the first instance to a Supervisor, a person who supervises the Counsellor, and then discussed with the client).

How many Counselling sessions do I need?

This is a hard one to answer. Depending on the issues and what emerges it can vary a great deal. we will talk with you and agree with you a length of time (the contract) that we will meet. Usually after about four or five sessions we will look at what we have achieved together and then see if we need any further sessions.

How do I pay

Payments for each counselling session with us are made prior to the session and can be taken from either debit or credit cards, if given advanced cancellation notice of 48 hours, prior to a session, the fee will be returned in full or transferred to another future session.

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