Relate Trained Counsellorsfor Relationship Counselling and Marriage Guidance
in Leeds and Wakefield, West Yorkshire

Books that may be helpful

Ian has produced a couple of books which help explore the difficulties people face, which may be helpful as self help guides to understand why we get into difficulties in our life and what we might do to help us through those difficult times.

Books and further information . Why do we do that

Why do we do that and what to do about it

My new book is now available to buy on Amazon and on Kindle. It will help you to have a better life by being aware of why things go wrong so you can change, alter and adapt your interactions to have the life you want not the one other people think you should have, Buy it here

A reviewers comment

Love the tools , light bulb moments and things to think about sections that create a pause and help whatever idea to sink in as well as the diagrams explaining some of the processes people go through. Altogether a very useful addition for anybody who is in the process of trying to work themselves or how they have come to fit in the world as they do out.

Books and further information . Insecurity cover

Insecurity it's all about me

My new book, Insecurity its all about me, is now available to buy on Amazon and on Kindle.
This book helps you to understand the complexities and enabling ways to work with insecurity in our lives and our Clients lives. It focusses on helpful ways to work with and explore our insecurities giving you a understanding of how insecurity impacts on our lives. What behavioural patterns then emerge from our natural insecure drive.

Buy it here Buy it here

A small investment for years of happiness.

Some video clips

These short video clips will give you ideas and understanding around some of life's issues, please feel free to share.

view a clip here View it here

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